Saturday, November 23, 2013

Periodo Colonial UFT

Universidad Fermín Toro
Vicerrectorado Académico
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales
Escuela de Relaciones Industriales.

Periodo Colonial

Daniel Eduardo Gil Rodríguez

Para comenzar este ensayo me gustaría acotar que tratar el tema referente al “Periodo Colonial”  fue interesante para mí, debido a que la evolución del área laboral provenía de la misma, integrando que el  comercio del trigo, la ganadería, la minería de extracción aurífera e incluso la certidumbre de cueros para la explotación fueron las principales causas de la evolución como tal. Es una de las historias más increíbles de Venezuela, ya que en el ámbito social fue cuando se integro la mezcla de culturas, como la española, indígena y africana, el idioma, la adopción del Cristianismo, la delimitación de la colonia y la gran organización territorial, conocido a nivel de cultura como la “aculturación” Venezolana. Por excelencia, sabemos que la Época Colonial es conocida como el periodo de ocupación, poblamiento y administración colonial de nuestro territorio Venezolano, hecho histórico que da relevancia al desarrollo social, político y económico del país. Refiriéndonos a la parte social grupos de mulatos y otros no obtuvieron educación, siquiera básica, solo algunos de los poblados más importantes del país contaban con un par de escuelas básicas donde más adelante surgieron el resto; en 1727 fue creada la primera Universidad en Venezuela, mientras que en otros países como en México o Perú ya se habían realizados algunas siglos antes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Meeting Our Classmates

Meeting our classmates.

   Daniela Franco Montolla  was born on December 15-1994 in Medellin/Colombia her family is also from Colombia. Daniela's family consists of her father Alejandro Franco, mother Paula Montoya and her brother Jacabo Arango. She graduated a year ago in San Jose de la Salle which is in Colombia. Her favorite subject in highschool was Art because she loves everything about it. At the moment she wants to be an Architect because one of her abilities is that she draws well also she is good at grammar and playing tennis. In her free time she likes listening to music, spending time with her brother and boyfriend , eating something like snacks and dancing. She enjoy dancing to every kind of music.  Daniela Franco is shy just sometimes , responsible, intelligent, mature, intolerant, patientce, lovely, organized 'not always' , honest and absolutely lazy. Her best quality is to be lovely and the worst is to be intolerant. If you meet Daniela Im sure you will have a great time with her.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Killer Love

  Lucinda decided to leave Colin and marry Karl. Colin promised to take serious action. He needed time to think he wanted Lucinda for himself. Karl could not have her. Colin thought about hurting Karl. Karl was going skiing. Perhaps there could be an accident! No. He needed to keep Lucinda at home. He would not let her go on the ski trip. However, Karl would not go wihtout her.

  Colin thought about his problem throughout the night. He made a decision before the sun came up. Sleeping pills! Lucinda agreed to have one last breakfast with him. She always drank tea for breakfast. It was simple. Colin planned to put the sleeping pills in her tea.

  It was 6:00 am. Colin began preparing breakfast. He liked cooking and soon had bacon and eggs ready on the stove. Then he made the tea and held the sleeping pills in his hand, He hated to hurt Lucinda. He loved her! But she couldn't marry Karl.

  Lucinda came to breakfast at 6:45. She was weating her ski clothes and she looked wonderful.

  'Karl is picking me up at 7:15,' she said. 'I'll have to eat fast.' Colin smiled and invited her to sit down.

  'Let me get you tea,' he said. Colin walked over to the stove and poured Lucidan's tea. Then he put the sleeping pills in her cup. Lucinda didn't speak to Colin, but he didn't care. She drank her tea quickly.

  Colin waited. It was almost 7:00am. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was Karl. He was early! Lucinda got up to answer the door. She felt strange. She needed to sit down. Then she fell. She hit her head on the small table nexdt to the door.

  When Karl came in, Lucinda was unconscious and Karl wanteed to kill Colin. He ran to his car. He had a gun in his kep and he planned to use it. Colin waited in the kitchen. He als had a plan.

  Karl tried to kill Colin, then they shot the gun but Karl dodged the shot. them began to fight for more than 15 minutes, they didn't see that Lucinda wasn't wake up, so they took Lucinda to the hospital.

  In the hospital the doctor saw that Lucidan breathing, Karl amd Colin were very worried and Colin was very scared because it was his fault maybe Lucinda would never get up again.

The doctor did the impossible to save Lucinda's life, the last option was the shocks, the doctor said to Colin and Karl 'If the electros schocks don't work they would have to let go her.' That mean means let her die.

In the emergency room the doctor and the nurses were preparing put Lucinda in a bed and began with the electroshocks, the first time Lucinda didn't have a reaction, but the second time she began to breatha.

2 weeks later later Lucinda was ready to leave the hospital but before that karl and Colin went to visit her, Karl tried to kiss her but she said no, Colin thought that she had choosen him but no. Lucinda said to them that 'I almost died for your guys foult' for that she couldn't live with a violent man like Karl and with a danferous man like Colin, so she decided to be alone for an idefinite time.

A year later Karl and Colin were so angry because they read in the news paper that Lucidan got married with the doctor that saved her life and they lived happily ever after.

At the First
After met the Doctor.
Happy Married.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cinquain Graphic Organizer

Experiences                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Luckiest, One and Only                                  Interesting , Amazing, Chinlling                                                                  Uniques moments that I never had           Life is just Life so never say never !!            By _ Daniel Gil.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Love Of Life

Yesterday I readed the story "Love Of Life" by Jack London. My story was about two friends who are lost in the forest which is cold and dark. One of them are in a trouble 'cause he hurt his foot and he couldn't kept so his friend Bill just kept walking and forgot him . I mean he didn't stop or look back. After that the man who has a problem with his foot was trying to be alive. Later , he felt a little better and got up so he could keep walking. At almost the last day he knew that his friend bill was a wolfman.

If you ask me in my opinion I didn't like it because I thought at the first that the story Love Of Life would be of love but well wasn't too bad. I wouldn't recommend this story to anybody 'cause I don't know one person who probably will like it.



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mysterious Meetings

This mistery was one month before I came to New York. One night I wanted to go to a nightclub with my friends and my cousins so I asked my mother " Hey mom, Can I go to a nightclub with my friends and my cousins ? " She said  " I don't know Daniel. I think its not good today, I have a bad feeling " and I said to her "oh please, mom I'm going to New York soon. I want to be with my friends and cousins. Its just for tonite". Right, so I went to the nightclub and I had a good time with my friends and cousins. I was dancing, drinking a little bit and talking. The party finished and my cousin was driving to another cousin's house because her house is far from the nightclub, and she didn't have how a way back home. After that we came back to my house. In the car were my cousin ( who was driving ), a friend ( who living in the same apartament as me ) and me.Then another car with a drunk driver suddenly came very fast, and it crashed into us. The accident was terrible because our friend needed an operation on his nose. Thank god my cousin and I were safe but when my mother found out, she was very angry because she had warned me and I did not care. Now I think its better to listen to my mother and only do what she thinks is ok.