Wednesday, February 1, 2012


The book was made in New York City where anything can happen in a second. You can do whatever you want to do. This book tells about a private investigator and a family who wants to find Patrick. He disappeared the day before and his family doesn't know where is he. When his wife found that he had disappeared, she went to "Marley Detective Agency" where she told Nat Marley who is a professional private investigator, her problem. And then he'll try to help this desperate family. He asks a lot  of questions about Patrick, like " what he's doing? , what kind of work does he have?  , what does he like to do? " because he needs a lot information about him if Nat Marley wants to find him soon.
Who is Patrick? He's an accountant at "Ocean Star Finance" and Joyce's husband. They're a family which has a daughter she's Julia.

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